I am an agent of secrecy apparently. So many times, for no obvious reason, someone will just sit with me and let out all the things they've been keeping in about the people around them.
I.E. I'll sit with person A who tells me everything they abhor about person B. Then the next day when person B gets a moment with me, person A is the subject of batter. As if they're a saint, and are all unknowing of how much the other person despises them they go on and on about said faults. And of course when I see both subjects together, they interact with one another as if none of those negative opinions harbored against the other exist.
Sometimes this circle of badgery goes on between 3 or more people; and I can safely say that I'm glad I don't bother trying to keep up with who hates who. I honestly don't care what they think about so-and-so's talking habbit or this other guys arbitrary perverse language. But it seems it helps them to have someone to just sit and listen. Like sharing it with someone can somehow lessen the guilt at knowing that the next time you see the one you're knocking down, you'll smile and nod.
I myself keep secrets. Everyone does and everyone knows that everyone does. Yet it's still so disturbing to hear them from your neighbors own mouth. I know things that could destroy friendships, lives. I have no intention of doing either. I learn from what I hear.
I learn that everyone is a Hypocryte and most of them aren't even aware of it. It's not an overused statement when I quote "we all wear masks" . It's just true. We hide behind what we're most comfortable with. And it's only occassionally, when I sit and listen, are those masks stripped away.
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